Desktop Wallpapers

Put more beauty to your workplace!
Here you'll find some high resolution desktop pictures. Select your favourite wallpaper, doubleclick on the suitable resolution and copy the provided zip-file on your computer (The file sizes in kilobytes are shown in the brackets beside the resolution links).
Please read at the bottom how to proceed thereafter.

Laura Scattolini - Lavender Fields

1024 x 768 pixel (217 K)   1280 x 1024 pixel (323 K)   1920 x 1080 pixel (419 K)

Jamie Williamson - Red Riding Hood

1024 x 768 pixel (160 K)   1280 x 1024 pixel (245 K)   1920 x 1080 pixel (251 K)

Hildegard Günzel - Fleurie

1024 x 768 pixel (228 K)   1280 x 1024 pixel (356 K)   1920 x 1080 pixel (453 K)

Maja Bill - Uneja

1024 x 768 pixel (44 K)   1280 x 1024 pixel (58 K)

Roelie Broeksma-Mueller - Mignon

1024 x 768 pixel (45 K)   1280 x 1024 pixel (62 K)

Philip Heath - Nkike

1024 x 768 pixel (180 K)   1280 x 1024 pixel (246 K)

Philip Heath - Nkike

1024 x 768 pixel (232 K)   1280 x 1024 pixel (318 K)

Philip Heath - Precious

1024 x 768 pixel (132 K)   1280 x 1024 pixel (209 K)

Vera Scholz - WPM613

1024 x 768 pixel (376 K)   1280 x 1024 pixel (550 K)

Vera Scholz - WPM613

1024 x 768 pixel (301 K)   1280 x 1024 pixel (429 K)

To extract use your favourite unpack tool (f.e. WinZip, Ultimate Zip) and copy the extracted jpg-file into your Windows-folder.
Rightclick in a free space area on your desktop, then on "properties", open the "Backgrounds"-folder, click on "search for", select the picture of your choice, then on "center" (in the dropdown menue), then click at the bottom on "accept" and "OK" - finished.
Have fun!

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